APRIL 2020 // 52nd Newsletter

COVID-19. Light at the end of the tunnel!

COVID-19. Light at the end of the tunnel!

This April has been an unprecedented month, with quarantine and extensive lockdown, which included even the days of the Orthodox and Catholic Easter. However, during these days, all of us, Greeks and Europeans, put aside what separates us and fought side by side, and in most cases exemplary, against the common enemy.

Right now, the news from the front of COVID-19 is positive, as we all see the light at the end of the tunnel. But the bet has not been won yet. Quarantine was hard. But it will be exactly as hard to return to (a new) normalcy. Businesses, professionals, individuals, students and the elderly are psychologically and physically preparing themselves, each from their own point of view, for the return.

We are winning the battle with the virus. Now, we need to win our daily routine back!

OMONIA TRANS, having taken all the necessary precautions and safety measures (teleworking and rotating work system, masks and gloves for staff in the warehouse and drivers, daily disinfections) has not stopped, even for a minute, to offer services to its customers during the lockdown.

For this reason, we are fully prepared to satisfy your every need and desire, as we have always done. There is no doubt that the next day will not be easy and the road to economic recovery will be difficult and demanding.

But we are sure that you, our partners, suppliers and friends, and we, OMONIA TRANS, will together, win this battle too!
OMONIA TRANS. We transport hope.

OMONIA TRANS. We transport hope.

At OMONIA TRANS, Corporate Social Responsibility activities for society, our fellow human beings and the environment have been an integral part of our philosophy since the first day of our operations, 41 years ago. This is why, in these difficult days of COVID-19, OMONIA TRANS could never be missing from the side of its fellow humans.

Specifically, OMONIA TRANS offers for free its services to the Greek Nonprofit Organization “Desmos” (website:, which cooperates with individuals, companies and institutions, in order to match available resources with real needs of vulnerable people.

In this light, OMONIA TRANS has already carried out the transport of 15 oxygen concentrators to the Welfare Center of Central Macedonia in Northern Greece, while having also planned other transfers for the immediate future. We are here to help and support our fellow human beings, by doing what we know better than everyone: transporting!
Kind regards, OMONIA TRANS team.