JANUARY 2021 // 59th Newsletter

With the seal of OMONIA TRANS!

Quality , speed , full support at all times, for every single need of yours, small or large. These are the values, which, for more than 40 years , have allowed us to stand out from the rest. They are the values with the seal of OMONIA TRANS . But there is something else that has our seal: our export vehicles!

Specifically, our company ensures the absolutely safe transport of goods in its trailers by implementing the use of security seals. These are mechanisms used to seal trailers or containers in a way that provides additional security, as a possible breach can be immediately noticed.

So today, from the time of the loading merchandise until the final check by the recipients , the transport of the goods is safer with the security seals of OMONIA TRANS . One more way to put our own seal on everything we do!


The market re-opens. OMONIA TRANS responds!

The market re-opens. OMONIA TRANS responds!

After more than 2 months of strict restrictions, the market, since January 18, has been finally able to take a deep breath , with the partial lifting of the lockdown. The reopening of all commercial stores as well as malls and outlets is expected to bring a pulse again to a market that needs it, more than ever.

The shops are rolling up their shutters and we at OMONIA TRANS are rolling up our sleeves! Just as we did during the first lockdown in March 2020 (and now, with the benefit of additional experience), we have mobilized all our people and procedures to meet the needs of our customers.

What does this mean; Continuous deliveries in stores, even on weekends and during off-hours , and a tireless effort so that our customers do not miss the slightest item from their shelves. And once again, we succeed.
We handle. We care. We deliver!
Covid and Lean Supply Chain

Covid and Lean Supply Chain

During the first lockdown, we all witnessed a special phenomenon: the absence of antiseptics from the market and the disappearance of face masks within a few days. This was a global trend. How is it possible for countries with GDPs of trillions of Euros to run out of masks worth 10 cents?

For many, the “usual suspect” was the Lean Supply Chain , a process that aims to reduce wastage, reduce costs through the production of small quantities and, when necessary, sacrifice response to consumer demands in favor of cost-effective production.

But as consumer demands during the Covid era were about health issues, the concept of Lean Supply Chain was fired upon from all sides. However, does it really make sense to have, for example, a stock of billions of masks for the next pandemic?

In fact, the values of the Lean Supply Chain were more relevant than ever during the pandemic. Flexibility, quick mold changes systems, product standardization, and finally standardization of processes allowed easier training of staff to help them deal with the new conditions.

Actually, it is the Lean Supply Chain itself and its values that allowed the excellent response to the second wave of Covid. We should never blame it, but always defend it.
Kind regards, OMONIA TRANS team.