Sun beam in the winter!

When a habit not only benefits the environment but also contributes to our society, it becomes a responsibility. This year, OMONIA TRANS has once again embraced recycling, efficiently processing paper and plastic through its cutting-edge compression machine. The financial returns garnered from a year’s worth of dedication contribute again to a noble cause, making our collective efforts even more meaningful!

Specifically, OMONIA TRANS supports, once again, the work of the Panhellenic Association for the Support & Assistance of Paraplegics & Persons with Special Needs “Iliachtida” (Sun Beam). We will be offering breakfast to the children of the Special pre-primary & elementary School of Peristeri area, for the next four months.

Of course, our effort does not stop here. For years, our company has steadfastly dedicated itself to aiding the vulnerable in our community, with a particular focus on children. In these challenging times, where positive news is increasingly rare, the joyous smiles of the children of Iliachtida truly shine like a winter sun beam, bringing warmth and hope!

Artificial Intelligence in the service of transport

While public interest in AI has reached its pinnacle this year, notably with the emergence of Chat GPT and its counterparts, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have long been established in our industry. Since 2010, the European Union has wielded the Directive on these systems as a significant tool, highlighting the enduring presence of ITS in shaping our technological landscape.

Recently however, the European Parliament and the European Council took a step further. By agreeing to revise the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive, the two institutions of the European Union bring a new era to all modes of transport.

The benefits in a nutshell:
  • The directive now covers emerging services (such as booking apps that combine public transport and shared car or bike services).
  • Communication between vehicles and infrastructure, as well as between vehicles themselves, is simplified. Unforeseen events such as traffic jams can be avoided.
  • Critical information, even including speed limits, will be digitized.

24 words for 2024!

Before we could grasp its presence, 2023 has swiftly drawn to a close! For the new year, we would like to wish all our partners health and happiness from the bottom of our hearts. May the upcoming year be one where challenges transform into stepping stones, propelling you steadily toward your aspirations.

And in 24 words, may 2024 be…

joyful, peaceful, vibrant, optimistic, happy, enthusiastic, tranquil, inspired, fruitful, creative, dynamic, hopeful, bright, balanced, stable, sustainable, rich, positive, colorful, complete, better, fantastic, dreamy, and above all… healthy!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year everyone!